
Refund and Returns Policy


**No Refund Policy for Advertising Services on**


Effective Date: [11/10/2023]


**1. Advertising Services:**
a. Sellers on have the option to purchase advertising services to enhance the visibility of their listed vehicles.
b. Once purchased, the advertising service is immediately activated and cannot be refunded.


**2. Results of Advertising:**
a. The effectiveness of the advertising service is subject to various factors, including but not limited to vehicle conditions, pricing, and market demand.
b. does not guarantee specific results or the sale of the seller’s vehicle based on the advertising service.


**3. Responsibility for Sales:**
a. Sellers acknowledge that operates as an intermediary platform connecting buyers and sellers.
b. is not responsible for the actual sale of the vehicle, and results may vary based on external factors.


**4. Middleman Role:**
a. functions solely as a middleman between buyers and sellers, facilitating connections and providing a platform for transactions.
b. The responsibility for negotiation, completion of sales, and any related issues lies with the buyers and sellers involved.


**5. No Refund Policy:**
a. All purchases of advertising services on are non-refundable.
b. Once the advertising service is activated, sellers understand and agree that no refunds will be issued.


**6. Terms of Use:**
a. This No Refund Policy is an integral part of’s Terms of Use.
b. By using our platform and purchasing advertising services, sellers acknowledge and agree to comply with this policy.


**7. Contact Information:**
a. For any questions or concerns regarding this policy, sellers can contact our support team at [].

By purchasing advertising services on, sellers affirm their understanding and acceptance of this No Refund Policy. reserves the right to modify or update this policy at its discretion.


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